Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Mother of all City Layout threads

City Layouts

[i]WS & IF separate to avoid starvation when filling palaces[/i]
hub: 20m ws; 4m if; 10k carts [url][/url]
mili hub: 27m if; 5m ws; 8k carts [url][/url]
small mili hub: 18m if; 4m ws; 6.6k carts [url][/url]
pala hub: 13.7m ws; 13k carts [url][/url]
general hub: 15m ws; 14m if; 9k carts [url][/url]

[b]Navy[/b] (Troop to frigate #s in parentheses)
340k wg [u]or[/u] sloop [url][/url]
248k magefrig (190k/580) [url][/url]
232k magefrig (174k/2.5k/530) [url][/url]
208k magefrig (156k/2.5k/470) [url][/url]
256k zerkfrig (206k/500) [url][/url]
228k knightfrig (86k/5k/460) [url][/url]
236k tempfrig (194k/420) [url][/url]
228k pallyfrig (94k/400) [url][/url]
240k rgfrig (120k/78k/420) [url][/url]
244k rfrig (200k/440) [url][/url]
220k scoutfrig (90k/400) [url][/url]
208k xbowfrig (76k/10k/360) [url][/url]

[b]Land Offense[/b]
284k zerk+guardian (200k/88k) [url][/url]
252k zerk; zerk+guardian (200k/56k) [url][/url]
244k knight [url][/url]
224k mage [url][/url]
260k cataram (20k/6k) [url][/url]
240k cataram (18k/6k) [url][/url]
224k cataram (18k/4.4k) [url][/url]

[b]Land Defense[/b]
232k ranger+guardian (152k/80k) [url][/url]
280k ranger+guardian (180k/100k) [url][/url]
268k paladin [url][/url]
244k xbow [url][/url]
280k ballista [url][/url]

[b]Invasion / Castle Hubs[/b]
[i]Add carts (maybe TS) if landlocked[/i]
240k sbzerks+navy hub [url][/url]
192k mage hub [url][/url]
[b]How to Build[/b]
Build 50+ cottages and 2 warehouses (and a hideout and MT if you fear plundering) [url][/url].  Upgrade the cottages to level 8 or so.  Then build and upgrade all other buildings - recruitment buildings first and barracks last.  Demolish resource nodes in the center (and other areas per design) when you run low on resources, or when it is convenient.  Demolish 8 cottages and replace them with 8 buildings until it is complete.  

[b]Food for Thought[/b]
You should not have farms (in offensive castles)
You should not have sawmills or foundries
You should not have scouts or barons in cataram/wg castles
You should add one hideout if you may want to dodge attacks (on contested continents) without troops starving; otherwise, you must defend all attacks and store lots of each resource to protect food

You should have max shipyards in navy castles
You should have 2-4 lookout towers for max (or enough) warning
You should have 4 camo traps in defense castles to prevent fakes from siegelocking

You may have more food storage and/or carts/harbors
You may leave a spot open for a palace
For raiding, you may mix rangers+guardians and zerks+guardians
For PvP, you may add scouts/barons to all offense except catarams/wg, catarams to zerks/mages, and warlocks to mages (for fast siegelocking)
For Navy, you should have extra frigates: mages+/-55%, zerks/knights+/-35%, defense+/-25%
Recruitment speed rounds down at .49 and up at .50 seconds
For large incoming attacks, you should schedule food shipments to arrive at the castle after the first wave,
You should also set the building minister to upgrade warehouses only and the defense minister to upgrade walls and towers/traps and use a medallion before the first wave

[b]Towers and Traps[/b]
3 Lookout Towers + 3 Camo Traps +
12 ballista and 6 templar, or based on nearby defense troops
3 Lookout Towers + 3 Camo Traps +
6 ranger, 6 guardian, and 6 based on nearby defense troops, with preference to ballista
Traps are only viable inland if you are being or expect to be plundered.
I've gotten a lot of questions as to why I'd use camo traps.  Here's how it works:

A fake attack with a WG castle is 8 WGs on siege (since that's minimum TS). As you know fakes are very common, especially for navy attacks. If you have 4 camo traps, you will kill all 8 WGs if you have some defense in the castle. (Purple report; no info). If you do not have the camo traps, 2-4 WGs will survive on siege (red report showing your D #s, castle is siegelocked - i.e. you cannot send resources, support, or raids while sieged - which is important as you will want to redirect support to the real attack, and supporting troops eat your food meaning you have to be careful not to starve them).

All in all, I tested it out a lot and found it to be very useful. 4 bally or temp towers will help your + / - a little more on the real attack though, and you will kill all 8 WGs in 2 waves easilly. Also, you will not need to send support from offensive castles. For defensive castles:
red report showing your D #s and can't send D for an hour in all faked castles versus purple report and able to respond for next wave... you decide.


Here is another list of builds.

Non castle DEF (i.e. build 5 of these before you build your first castle)
3 sec Rangers (70k ts) =
3 sec Gaurdns (67k ts) =
4 sec Gaurdns (73k ts) =
4 sec Temps (69k ts) =
5 sec Temps (74k ts) =
7 sec Pallys (63k ts) =
6 sec x-bows (64k ts)=
35 sec Balst (61k ts) =

DEF castles
3 sec Rangers (272k ts) =
3 sec Gaurdns (260k ts) =
4 sec Gaurdns(284k ts) =
3 sec Temps (236k ts) =
4 sec Temps (268k ts) =
5 sec Temps (288k ts) =
7 sec Pallys (244k ts) =
6 sec x-bows (248k ts) =
35 sec Balst (236k ts) =

OFF castles high ts
2 sec Zerks (264k ts) =
3 sec Zerks (292k ts) =
45 sec Cats (256k ts) =
4 sec knight (212k ts) =
5 sec Knight (244k ts) =
6 sec Knight (264k ts) =
6 sec mages (248k ts) =
7 sec mages (268k ts) =

Self Fed Castles
3 sec zerks (180k ts)
7 sec mage (176k ts)
55 sec cats (184k ts)

1hr10min WarGs (336k ts)
3 sec Zerk (252k) + sloops
35min Frigs_10sec Mages (268k ts)
35min Frigs_9sec Knights (268k ts)
Sloop Defense CIty
Templar and Frigate Defense City:

6,900% CS, 1s CG:
6,900% CS, 2s CG:
5,900% CS, 2s CG, 19K/hr food:

Cs is the construction speed. You will need a very high construction speed for palaces.

Gold water city:
Warehouse/Shipping hub:
thanks that helps for new people :)

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