Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Lord of Ultima Quick Start Guide

This Lord of Ultima quick start guide will help you get your empire moving in the right direction fast. Covers needed build speed, resource production, when to build trinsic temple and moonglow and how many markets are optimal to produce your second city.

1. First Week


Earl in 48 hours


The requirements for Earl are as follows:
Town Hall level 7
Lvl 10 MG tower
50k each of wood, stone, iron, and food
40k gold


Do the Tutorial!

*1* After making City Guard house and later the training grounds and recruiting the 3 city guard or 5 berzerkers you can cancel them right away to get those resources back once you have collected the reward.
*2* You can demolish Hideout, City Guard House & Trainings Grounds if you’re not going to use them.


Here is what is necessary to generate the right number of resources to speed up advancement without wasting any on building levels that cannot be recovered fast enough to make the cost worth the return (remember to only use 70 total buildings for this first layout as we’ll only have TH 7 and try not to have any time pass without building something, 48 hours is short and we do not have time to destroy res nodes. Use “Lock Resources” in the planner):

1. W&S 3500 per hour of each (approx 20k in the fcp2)
2. Iron 700-1k/hr (approx 10k in fcp2 and replace foundry’s with cottages)
3. Food 1k/hr (5k/hr in fcp2). This takes 1 or 2 level 7’s and 1 or 2 level 6’s.
4. Approx 350% cs cottages to lv3/4(1200% give or take in fcp2) until you start building MG tower and higher level farms then put cottages at lv4/5 or around 500% and this is a good time to use shovel.


For your first 5 levels of town hall concentrate solely on wood and stone until they are all placed. TH level 6 and 7 place your refineries and any additional iron and farms (that are not in the tutorial). Do not put your refineries above level 2 as the return on investment will not happen in the 48 hours. There will not be any foundry’s or mills as our TH will not be high enough.


Raid with whatever you’ve got excess. IF you’ve got iron recruit zerks, excess wood recruit rangers (in order for excess wood your layout should be 30k for the 70 buildings). Keep in mind your ultimate goal of 50k of each resource.

If you’ve got a mountain dungeon next door can go to 30 troops/raid as it will quickly advance raiding every 2h40m’s. If you’ve got only a level 1 hill or forest only take your barracks to level 3 right away as 5 raids of 12 is enough to bring home all loot in the first 10%.

Don't be afraid to kill a level 1 boss. 55 rangers/zerks should handle any type of level 1 and bring home all loot. If you have mountain dungeon close 5 raids of 20 zerks/rng to bring home all the loot.


Build the moonglow and start leveling it up as well as farms to level 6 or 7 as you are short one res or the other. Once the moonglow reaches level 10, start to purify what is not needed. (Don't purify all the food).


If you are short gold or iron for researching earl, you can build and destroy a market, trinsic and/or stable for extra quest rewards.

Ajcatt's notes

Notes on 48 hours to Earl:

Well, from my experience from this first time around, these are the tips that I came up with:

a) Build only stone and wood to start with, and upgrade these as soon as possible.

b) If you only have level 1 dungeons around you, only recruit around 60 zerks/rangers for 5 groups of 12. As the % on the dungeon increases, you can recruit some more to make sure you are carrying back all the loot. Doesn't make sense to recruit excess if there is nothing to carry.

c) Try to get to Baron earlier than later. Some of us focused a bit more upping our res to start, but you get double the res from artifacts for Baron. Aim for about 12 hours.

d) Use the cottages in place of the refiners until you get to TH lvls 6 and 7. Then use the move building function to move them around.

e) Build cottages 1 lvl lower than the res to start. Then, just before going for the moonglow, build up the CS to about 500%. If you have the mana/funds for a shovel, this is where you really want it.

f) Aim to get most buildings to lvl 4 before the moonglow. The only exception I have to this is the cottages, which got pushed to lvl 5 just before putting up the moonglow.

g) Build up your food in between moonglow advances as the wood comes available.

Specifically I would say work cottages to about 350% until you're ready for farms 6/7's and MG tower.

Time to build MG tower with the following CS:

@ 500 CS % - 31 HOURS
@ 552 CS % - 27.5 HOURS
@ 603 CS % - 25 HOURS

More detailed info can be found:


1st baron out in 72 hours


The requirements to get your baron out are as follows:

Town Hall level 8
level 10 Trinsic Temple
75k iron
100k wood, stone & gold
25k food


Earl in 48 hours (some will make the TH 8 during earl in 48 some will wait til they need the TT to go to


Build your TT to 10 (approx 20 hours)


Tear down 5 resource buildings to put in 5 markets of level 6 (This will save both resources and time see the little big and Gators post on why)


Send Baron

Gators Notes on Markets:

There are several ways to get to 250 carts to settle the 2nd city. I'll go through the methods and explain which is better but for those that don't care why the short version is build 5 markets all to lvl 6.

Method 1: 2 Markets, 1 lvl 9 and 1 lvl 8 = 250 carts. Cost: 54,960 wood, 46,200 stone. Base time: 7075 minutes

Method 2: 3 markets, 2 lvl 8's and 1 lvl 6 = 260 carts. Cost: 44,440 wood, 40,940 stone. Base time: 5989 minutes

Method 3: 5 markets, 5 lvl 6's = 250 carts. Cost: 23,400 wood, 11,700 stone. Base time: 4254 minutes

It's much faster and cheaper to use 3 more building slots for markets. Unless your 3 lowest producing res buildings are able to produce 30k wood and stone in 4-6 hours there is no situation when 5 markets isn't the best option.

The other question is when to build them? Wait until after your TT is up to lvl 10 and build the markets while recruiting baron. Until that time add in 5 extra res building to make a little extra res (up to lvl 3) then remove them when TT is done and add the markets while recruiting baron.


Marquess by day 7


The Requirements to hit Marquess by day 7 are as follows:

400k Wood, Stone, Iron, Food
320k Gold



Follow Earl in 48 hours guide & First City guide


Follow 1st baron out in 72 hours


Read 7 city cluster guide specifically city 2 (conversion castle) and build it as a conversion castle and be ready to have it as a castle prior to researching city 3


Beg borrow steal gold if necessary


Castle City 2 (some people castle 1 as paladins as you already have the TT10)


Research Earl 2 and Marquess 1